140XPCOM.ZIP 623,093 11-24-93 XPCOM Version 1.4. Support forthe AEA PK232 (all AEA TNC's) andthe MFJ1278. Features include ANSIColor Support (VT100), TransceiverControl for many popular radios, OneKey Brag Files and Brag Text, easy touse text
40MBEAM.ZIP 6,240 01-13-94 A Feasible Full-size 40 meter beam by FrankKamp, K5DKZ.
515DISK1.ZIP 338,277 03-14-93 FBB RS 232 MUX [1/3]; communicate with theTNC's WA8DED firmware by interrogation(polling mode). Implement a system where theRS232 corresponding to the polled TNC isconnected to the COM port of the PC.
515DISK2.ZIP 388,666 03-14-93 FBB RS 232 MUX [2/3]; communicate with theTNC's WA8DED firmware by interrogation(polling mode). Implement a system where theRS232 corresponding to the polled TNC isconnected to the COM port of the PC.
515DISK3.ZIP 405,134 03-14-93 FBB RS 232 MUX [3/3]; communicate with theTNC's WA8DED firmware by interrogation(polling mode). Implement a system where theRS232 corresponding to the polled TNC isconnected to the COM port of the PC.
ABUDHABI.ZIP 0,864 05-23-93 UAE Radio frequencies from Abu Dhabi
ADV21.ZIP 103,714 03-09-93 ADV21; Ham Practice test for Advanced Class.So you want to be a Ham radio operator? Wellthis program can help you. It includes allthe current questions and answers for theAdvanced Ham Classification written test. Yo
AERODX.ZIP 9,112 04-09-93 Ham codes for the Air Force.
AIRMAR93.ZIP 59,840 03-22-93 Database: Lotus and ASCII, for shortwavelisteners.
AUSTRIA.ZIP 0,656 04-09-93 Radio Austria International DefinitiveSchedule
AVHF9303.ZIP 21,030 03-04-93 HF channels in ASCII format. Sorted by freqand by station/service.
BB21C.ZIP 235,293 02-22-93 AA4RE BBS v2.1C; This zip file contains allthe common code for both the "real" and"protected" versions.
BB21CN.ZIP 193,780 02-22-93 AA4RE BBS; v2.1C; This zip file contains thecode for the "real" version that runs on 808and higher class machines.
BB21CP.ZIP 340,118 02-22-93 AA4RE BBS v2.1C; This zip file contains thecode for the "protected" version that runs o80286 and higher class machines. Requires aleast 1MB extended memory.
BM332C.ZIP 49,510 02-24-93 BM is designed to serve as the mail userinterface for the KA9Q TCP/IP internetworking package. It provides a full set omail services to the user which allows thesending and receipt of electronic mail.
BPQ406F.ZIP 186,724 04-25-93 G8BPQ Host Mode Application interface to theswitch is provided.
BULGARIA.ZIP 0,606 11-26-93 Radio Bulgaria SWBC Sked 09/26/93 03/26/94
CALLDR10.ZIP 35,227 02-25-93 Initial stab at a DOOR implementing the SAMscallsign database is released at the requestof others.
CAT990.ZIP 58,693 02-01-93 Computer Control for FT 990 Etc Ham Radio.
CATY16.ZIP 189,535 02-02-93 Cat Control Program for YAESU 767 IncludesTurbo Pascal Source Code.
CODE.ZIP 54,267 07-03-93 Morse Code Flash Card v2.0; This program issimple exercise which should enable the userto keen their code skills.
CONVERT3.ZIP 112,437 05-05-93 Scanner Frequency Manager Data Converter
CRI.ZIP 0,893 05-23-93 China Radio Intl English SWBC Sked
CSM.ZIP 1,902 04-25-93 The World Service of the Christian ScienceMonitor ShortWave Frequency Schedule
CWKBD.ZIP 147,235 05-27-93 Morse Code Keyboard. Developed using VisualBasic for DOS. Stand alone program
C_AFRICA.ZIP 0,981 03-17-93 Channel Africa (South Africa) SWBC schedule
DATA_R50.ZIP 171,010 05-05-93 Frequency Data File for SCAN_R50.ZIP
DCEX92.ZIP 38,533 02-09-93 THE DIGICOM EXCHANGE is the originalDigicom/Digiprom/Baycom newsletter that wasstarted on a voluntary basis over four yearsago. This monthly newsletter is dedicated topacket radio users all over the world.
EURO0309.ZIP 4,469 03-13-93 EURONEWS; Amateur Radio News from Albania,Belgium, Bulgaria and other EuropeanCountries
EXT21.ZIP 99,856 03-09-93 EXT21 - Ham Pratice test for Amateur ExtraClass. So you want to be a Ham radiooperator? Well this program can help you. Itincludes all the current questions andanswers for the Amateur Extra Classificationwritten tes
EZPKT_17.ZIP 62,616 12-01-93 EZ Packet v1.17 term program for PMP modems
E_FILING.ZIP 1,159 04-02-93 Amateur radio filings by electronic medium
FAQ00706.ZIP 4,671 04-17-93 rec.radio.info articles. This explains whatRec.radio is and answers some frequentlyasked questions.
FAX0893.ZIP 4,705 08-06-93 HF-FAX LIST; This listing contains all Faxstations worldwide, transmitting on differenfrequencies (LW-MW-SW) weather-charts,Satellite- pictures and Press-text/pictures.
FCC115.ZIP 257,230 06-28-93 FCC Frequency Retrieval System v1.15;Database management system for the FCC PubliService Frequency Databases. If you are ascanner buff or into amateur radio, get thisone. A very comprehensive and configurablefreque
FDDCL201.ZIP 94,087 10-28-93 Field Day Log/Dupe Checker by Kevin Myers
FEB_93.ZIP 3,724 03-23-93 The Original BayCom Exchange vol #1, #2
FFTDSP32.ZIP 210,425 03-05-93 program which detects weak radio signalsusing fft and spectrograph. Requiressoundcard and 386 with coprocessor.
FREQDAT.ZIP 29,179 09-19-93 Amateur repeater listings, WI, IL, MI, IA,MN, IN.
FREQDATA.ZIP 171,948 02-01-93 Frequency database. Organize for quick andeasy referral.
FRGLOD10.ZIP 13,684 03-23-93 Yaesu FRG100 sw-rcvr channel data program
FT5200.ZIP 1,600 03-01-93 S8/Equipment/Antennas MOD for FT-5200
FT726R96.ZIP 0,696 05-23-93 FT726R mod for 9600 packet
GCDB.ZIP 1,991 04-23-93 Distance and bearing Lotus Worksheet forradio amateurs/hams
GMAIL.ZIP 71,161 02-27-93 GothaMail message editor for packet-switchinnetworks.
GP150.ZIP 567,744 05-15-93 packet v1.5 By DH1DAE: Doc's are in German
GW.ZIP 25,214 03-14-93 Gateway between Pegasus mail and KA9Q.
HAMBANDS.ZIP 2,417 03-14-93 Listing of Hamband Frequencies
HAMBBS.ZIP 6,794 03-03-93 List of Ham Radio BBS's around the US.
HAMCOM.ZIP 75,385 11-28-93 Packet program for pk232 w/voice synthesizer
HAMCOM22.ZIP 387,223 06-16-93 HamComm v2.2; HamComm is a program for hamradio communications. It supports receptionand transmission of amateur radio teletype(RTTY) and Morse code (CW) signals. Adecoder for SHIP and SYNOP reports fromweather st
HCALL110.ZIP 9,622 11-21-93 HAMCALL.PPE, v1.10 Callsign Server, is anaddition to PCBoard v15.0 giving usersaccess to the SAM Amateur Radio CallsignDatabase. Supports ANSI and Non-ANSIterminals. Requires the SAM Amateur RadioCallsign Database
HCJB.ZIP 0,810 05-08-93 Radio HCJB, Quito, Equador, English BroadcasSchedule
HDN_INFO.ZIP 12,350 05-24-93 Ham Distribution Net Info file/How to Join
HDN_LIST.ZIP 3,605 05-24-93 Ham Distribution Nodes.
HLOG222E.ZIP 329,943 11-11-93 HyperLog V2.22e Logging Program
HYLOG217.ZIP 321,187 02-08-93 The electronic logbook for the Radio Amateur
INTERPOL.ZIP 0,662 04-22-93 Interpolation - plot a data set together witvarious interpolations, viz. piecewiselinear, piecewise quadratic, Lagrangeinterpolation and cubic splines.
JNOS108B.ZIP 249,897 02-24-93 The OBJECTIVE of this code is the improve thuse and features of NOS. A lot of the work idone through cooperative discussion andtesting among the subscribers of the Internemaillist
JNOS109.ZIP 171,517 12-05-93 Latest Version JNOS 109
JVFAX51.ZIP 299,878 07-26-93 Ham Radio FAX and SSTV program version 5.1
KAGOLD.ZIP 343,300 02-08-93 KaGOLD DualPort Test Drive - Multi-ConnectAllmode Software Kantronics TNC KaGOLD/de isdesigned for the Data Engine, but there is nTestDrive
KHBN.ZIP 0,421 03-17-93 KHBN SWBC schedule
KMTRM120.ZIP 215,337 03-12-93 KAMterm v1.20; Host Mode terminal program fothe Kantronics KAM, KPC4, KPC2. Featuresmultiple windows, split screen, and MORE!
LINEA2_1.ZIP 312,702 08-10-93 LINEA circuit analysis program for 40 node,200 branch electronic circuits, versatile,fast, speaks electronic jargon; WAVESPECwaveform description program for use withLINEA. With example Data files. Any CPUfrom 802
LL220EXE.ZIP 342,955 07-06-93 LAN-LINK 2.2; HAM RADIO TNC and KAM, PK-232and MFJ1278 controller for PC. Incexpertsystem, pactor, automatic packet features fouse with BBS and PacketCluster. Also hascolor ANSI Bragtape capability.
LOCKHEED.ZIP 0,494 04-22-93 Lockheed Experimental Aircraft Test Flight
LOGEQF52.ZIP 266,540 01-19-94 LOG-EQF v5.27; Amateur Radio Logging ProgramLog-EQF is the total control center forAmateur Radio on-the-air activities.Full-featured logging with TNC, PacketCluster, rig control, beam headings, QSLlabels, and much m
L_SIMCO3.ZIP 7,774 02-05-93 Scanner Frequencies for the Simcoe Lake Areain Canada
MARS.ZIP 157,253 07-11-93 Keep track of MARS members & net checkins
MB1503A.ZIP 285,774 02-18-93 W0RLI MailBox version 15.03a - minor bug fix02/18/93.
MB1503X.ZIP 87,605 02-08-93 W0RLI MailBox - extra software to interfacewith G8BPQ software. 02/08/93. 02-08-1993.
MB1606.ZIP 436,938 11-16-93 Mail Box V16.6 general release by W0RLI
MCLOCK12.ZIP 113,274 09-06-93 MESSAGE CLOCK v1.2; Put YOUR message on thebottom of a fullscreen, day/month/datedigital clock. You set screen colors, andfont for your message. Can lock keyboard toprevent tampering with clock display. Greatfor adv
MODOKI.ZIP 35,224 02-27-93 CW Contest Simulation Logging Program
MOONTRAK.ZIP 65,678 03-05-93 Amateur Radio Moon Tracking Program for UsinMoonbounce
MOPT116.ZIP 269,975 12-07-93 MSYS v1.16 packet radio BBS system Utils
MORE_MI.ZIP 5,837 02-06-93 Scanner Frequencies For Michigan
MSYS116.ZIP 341,041 12-07-93 MSYS v1.16 packet radio BBS system
MSYSB116.ZIP 357,971 12-07-93 MSYS v1.16 small version (no network)
MSYSUSR.ZIP 17,133 12-04-93 MSYS v1.16 User Manual
MTL-COPS.ZIP 0,854 05-26-93 List of Montreal urban community police radifrequencies. Learn French first. 05/26/93.
N0NEH.ZIP 126,500 07-18-93 Field Day Program by Jim Cambron, N0NEH
NASCAR.ZIP 1,885 04-27-93 Poster called 'The Colors of Nascar'
NET386.ZIP 166,753 02-03-93 Ham Radio Tcpip Nos S/W for 386/486 Only
NEWS852.ZIP 8,067 12-14-93 NewsLine 12/10/93
NSRA_NWS.ZIP 13,595 03-08-93 Electronic edition of the North ShoreRepeater Assoc Newsletter. NSRA is a HamRadio Organization based on the North Shoreof Boston, Ma.
NYFD10.ZIP 1,117 04-22-93 NY Fire Department 10 Codes
OBS142.ZIP 5,347 05-28-93 Amsat Orbital Elements #142
OBS351.ZIP 4,077 12-20-93 Amsat Orbital Elements # 351 12/17/93
OBS358.ZIP 5,433 01-03-94 Orbital Elements 12/24/93
ORIGIN9.ZIP 25,816 02-23-93 The Call Letters of Many North American RadiStations.
PA1200B.ZIP 92,800 08-20-93 Pa QSO Party Contest Log by KM3D
PACFAST.ZIP 22,953 04-01-93 Packet Radio Terminal Control Program for thFaster Chips on todays faster computers.
PACK_Q_A.ZIP 12,082 04-22-93 Amateur Packet Radio Frequently AskedQuestions (FAQ). A great starter file fornew people interested in learning more aboutpacket radio.
PART97.ZIP 34,799 07-15-93 FCC Rules & Regulations Part 97
PAX285.ZIP 15,959 03-26-93 PAX 2.85; Resident terminal program
PCSW22.ZIP 159,379 09-10-93 PC Shortwave Monitor v2.2 freq management
PG-AEA.ZIP 48,868 11-01-93 Satellite Comm program for DSP-1232/2232/12d
PIONEERS.ZIP 16,706 03-15-93 Pioneer Broadcast Stations in the UnitedStates of America.
PKTINFO.ZIP 87,230 02-01-93 Good info on amateur packet radio forbeginners and old pros
PKTMON12.ZIP 21,893 02-07-93 Packet program for HAMCOMM interface
PRO43MOD.ZIP 1,798 02-01-93 New Pro-43 Mods?: Instructions For Pro-43Cellular restoration
PRO_43.ZIP 4,096 02-04-93 Announcement About Radio Shack PRO-43,200-Channel Portable Scanner with HyperScan.This is the first-ever Realistic handheldscanner that features a triple-conversionsuperheterodyne circuit that eliminatescellular ima
PTM523.ZIP 486,578 05-04-93 Packet Terminal & Mailbox version 5.23.
PTM529-1.ZIP 139,001 11-12-93 Packet Terminal Program 5.29, Main Program
PTM529-2.ZIP 32,294 11-14-93 Packet Terminal Program 5.29, Scandinavian
PTM529-3.ZIP 74,148 11-14-93 Packet Terminal Program 5.29, Languages
PTM529-4.ZIP 138,874 11-14-93 Packet Terminal Program 5.29, Scandinavian
PTM529-5.ZIP 178,216 11-14-93 Packet Terminal Program 5.29, European Docs
PTM529-6.ZIP 35,355 11-14-93 Packet Terminal Program 5.29, Accessories
PXDB1D.ZIP 114,770 07-04-93 PXDB: PrefiX DataBase - Specializeddatabase program by WB4RUA for CQMagazine's WPX Award; optionallyhandles WPX Honor Roll. Version 1D,minor bug fixes. SW - $30.00 reg.
QQSL54.ZIP 207,593 02-25-93 Quick QSL - the Ultimate QSL label program!Featuring great color, a user- friendlyinterface, full-function menus, input entryforms, sort in "Callbook" order, log fileimports, and MUCH more. QQSL puts the otherQSL l
RCI.ZIP 1,961 03-17-93 Radio Canada International Schedule
RCI0393.ZIP 1,958 04-14-93 International Amateur Radio FrequencySchedule
RIGEQF20.ZIP 120,406 01-19-94 RIG-EQF v2.0; Kenwood Radio Control Program-Rig-EQF is a control program that interfaceswith all computer-ready Kenwood rigs. Alarge frequency display, memory management,programmable scanning, and user-friendlycont
RNZI.ZIP 0,570 01-03-94 Radio NewZealand SWBC Sked 12/04/93-03/19/94
R_AUSSIE.ZIP 2,513 01-03-94 Radio Australia SWBC Sked effec 12/19/93
R_CAIRO.ZIP 0,951 04-09-93 Radio Cairo SWBC Schedule
R_MOSCOW.ZIP 4,161 11-23-93 Radio Moscow SWBC Sked 09/26/93 to 03/26/94
R_NETHER.ZIP 0,845 03-17-93 Radio Netherland SWBC Schedule
R_NORWAY.ZIP 1,030 04-09-93 Radio Norway SWBC Schedule
R_ROMANI.ZIP 0,858 05-23-93 Radio Romania SWBC Schedule
R_SOFIA.ZIP 0,453 04-09-93 Radio Sofia Summer SWBC schedule
SATTVFAQ.ZIP 24,231 08-08-93 Satellite TV frequently asked questions(w/answers). From the rec.video.satelliteusenet news group, here is the currentauthoritative info re: services available,the state of the scrambling/descramblingindustry & stru
SCANNER1.ZIP 208,965 08-06-93 Scanner Allocation Program; For the use ofradio amateurs and scanner users. Amateursmay find it useful as a logging program.
SCANNER2.ZIP 120,292 09-11-93 Scanner Database v1.0; Scanner Database isexactly what it sounds like,... a databasefor use by radio scanner buffs. It allowsyou to keep track of all your favoritescanner frequencies.
SCAN_R50.ZIP 218,615 05-05-93 Scanner Frequency Manager
SCDX2176.ZIP 12,114 04-13-93 MediaScan; SWEDEN CALLING DXERS Satellite,shortwave and other electronic media newsfrom Radio Sweden.
SCPC_LST.ZIP 4,864 04-05-93 frequencies Listed By Satellite & TranspondeWest to East.
SD511.ZIP 187,247 05-18-93 General purpose Ham Radio Contest program.Works with most popular contests.
SHIPSHOR.ZIP 3,328 05-01-93 Frequencies for the 3 AT&T High Sea's PhoneService Stations; KMI, WOM, and WOO, and WLOMobile Marine Radio. These are the only fourstations in the United State's for high sea'ship to shore radiotelephone service.
SLOWSC.ZIP 224,033 01-02-94 SLOW SCAN TV using the SOUND BLASTER;Designed to display 8 second BLACK & WHITEslow scan pictures that you can copy off theham radio bands.
SL_932.ZIP 101,539 04-13-93 SATLOC.EXE, the *BEST* satellite dish aimingprogram ever written. Both 8088 and 80x86optimized code included. Updated to 04/14/9including all the newest satellites.
SM401.ZIP 198,657 05-23-93 Learn Morse Code. Allows You To Vary SpeedAnd Timing.
SMCON102.ZIP 87,979 03-27-93 Smart R8 Control v1.02ß; Smart R8 Control1.02ß is a powerful radio control program fothe Drake R8 receiver. Select shortwavestations and frequencies with easy to usewindowing to a broadcast shortwave database
SPC0524.ZIP 4,006 05-23-93 SpaceNews originates at KD2BD in WallTownship, New Jersey, USA.
SPC1227.ZIP 3,788 12-24-93 SPACE Bulletin 12/27/93
SSSCV2N8.ZIP 50,001 09-13-93 South Scanner Satellite Services Chart v2, #
SUNOU332.ZIP 46,864 07-26-93 Calculate sun outages for satellite receiver
SWU_UTES.ZIP 1,529 03-20-93 An Introduction To Shortwave Listening: TheTop 100 Shortwave Frequencies.
TEC22.ZIP 74,839 03-09-93 TEC22; Ham Pratice test for Technician ClassSo you want to be a Ham radio operator? Wellthis program can help you. It includes allthe current questions and answers for theTechnician Ham Classification test. You cang
TELEMENG.ZIP 38,520 04-11-93 Program package for decoding ARSENE satellittelemetry on line. A version in French isalso provided with the international versionin English.
TIMEZ.ZIP 85,935 09-01-93 Track World Time by Steve Mount
TNCTIME.ZIP 16,539 06-06-93 Use with your Kantronics/MFJ TNC (HAM Radio)sets tnc from PC at boot time
TS-50QRP.ZIP 1,538 03-19-93 Reduce TS-50 power to QRP standards
TST133.ZIP 62,756 02-11-93 Small Packet-Terminal Program.
TUNE-IN1.ZIP 81,145 07-29-93 TUNE IN; The Ultimate Scanner DatabaseExciting new database for scanner listeners.Print convenient pocket sized cards or fullsize reports of all your scanner frequenciesFeature packed
UKMTIME.ZIP 1,311 05-08-93 UK Maritime frequencies.
USAT92B2.ZIP 81,479 02-06-93 USAT90 satellite tracking program. Thesource code can be run with QBASIC and shoulalso be compilable with QuickBASIC.
USCGUARD.ZIP 2,784 05-08-93 U.S. Coast Guard Scheduled Broadcasts ofWeather and Marine Information
USSL_10.ZIP 67,843 03-11-93 The Ultimate Sweepstakes Logger v1.0; Tracksmultipliers and automatically tags newsections worked. It provides you with a Multhad and Mults needed list. It allows editingof previous records with automatic recalc ofs
USWL_10.ZIP 67,078 03-08-93 The ultimate shortwave logger - EMS required
USWL_B.ZIP 73,681 03-06-93 The Ultimate Shortwave Log; For ShortwaveListeners. Keeps track of all the variousstations and programs heard via the airwaveson the shortwave band. If you aren't aShortwave listener then maybe when you seewhat is a
VHFMAR.ZIP 9,929 05-21-93 Everything you Should Know About VHF-MARINERADIO. Detailed info including general andemergency procedures.
VHFQSO.ZIP 4,438 05-01-93 VHF QSO Party Rules June 12-14, 1993
VK2_0516.ZIP 2,162 05-28-93 VK2WI Weekly News and snippets
VOA.ZIP 4,181 04-30-93 Voice Of America Frequency Schedule
V_VIETNM.ZIP 1,022 07-08-93 Voice of Vietnam Schedule; Hanoi
WEFAXFAQ.ZIP 14,524 09-09-93 FAQ from rec.radio.shortwave newsgroup aboutshareware RTTY/FAX decoding software for theIBM PC. Excellent explanations on how to setup Hamcomm and JVFAX. Also includes diagramof interface required for decoding.
WEWN_1.ZIP 0,636 03-17-93 Final Operating Schedule - Z-93 0100 UTC WEWBirmingham AL, Transmitter #1
WEWN_2.ZIP 0,689 03-17-93 Final Operating Schedule - Z-93 0100 UTC WEWBirmingham AL, Transmitter #2
WINWAS11.ZIP 148,567 07-22-93 Windows WAS MAP v1.1; Computerized version othe blank US maps that for a long time hamshave loved to color in as they work newstates. There is increased interest inworking all states on various bands and modewith a
WK_POLE.ZIP 72,087 02-17-93 This antenna project comes courtesy of VE4MJThe files were received as faxes andconverted into .PCX format.
WRITEL.ZIP 836,729 12-21-93 Windows Logging Program - updated drivers
WU120EXE.ZIP 237,271 07-04-93 WHATS-UP v1.20; Decodes/displays telemetryfrom OSCAR spacecraft, real time or postpass. Contains orbit prediction window basedon NASA 2 line or AMSAT format Kepplerianelements available by packet radio.